The value of our home goes beyond style, decor, and furniture. I will even go as far as say that it is more than just shelter, a beautiful space to look at, a place to store our belongings, and a space to have gatherings. It is a space that aids in your growth, healing, and recovery.
I am a daughter of immigrants and growing up, I was never taught to view my home as a source of support nor taught to nurture it to become a source of support. I learned how to clean a home, the need to regularly maintain a clean home, and how to fix or make small improvements when things broke or stopped functioning, but that was the extent of caring for a home. It was never about how your home can add to or benefit your life if you learned how to make it safe, comfortable, warm, inviting, functional, peaceful, and joyful.
Growing up, I viewed my childhood home as a source of stress, chaos, unpredictability, and clutter. Because my parents grew up with so little, they filled their home with so many things. Because my parents worked hard day after day for their family to survive, their stress and anxiety filled our home. Because my parents were trying to survive, their mental and emotional health took a backseat in their life, so they didn’t get the opportunity to prioritize healing and recovery. As children of immigrants, we have the opportunity and privilege to prioritize our mental and emotional health.
So, where do you start?
In your home by building and nurturing an environment that feels safe for you to blossom.
And, how is your home more than just a physical space?, it is a space where-
You can rebuild your sense of safety
You get to experience joy
You get to experience peace, rest, and recovery
You can release, process, and express your feelings safely
You can reconnect with yourself when you are feeling lost, stuck, or ready for change
You can express your personality, authentically
You can practice establishing and setting boundaries
You can practice speaking kindly to yourself
You can practice and engage in self-care
You can rebuild a sense of control
Your nervous system can return to a calm state
You can rebuild your inner strength
You can just be
I can list so many more valuable things that your home can help you with! But first I invite you to take the first step, to view you home as a source of support. And then, to begin creating and nurturing a home environment that aids in improving your quality of life.
If you need additionally support, I am here to help!
Book a free consultation call here, and let's get started on creating a supportive home environment for you.
-Marialejandra Gutierrez